Sheep Nuts
Lamb vigour & ewe milk supply are crucial to a successful lambing season. This ration has a proven pedigree and is ideal for both pregnant & lactating ewes.
We have not changed the formulation of this ration much over the years & it is now well established as one of the finest ewe rations available.
Formulated to 18% Cr. Protein, it is a highly digestible feedstuff, packed full of every nutrient the ewe needs. This makes it a superb feed for ewes in those critical 6 to 8 weeks before lambing and also for those first 4 to 8 weeks post lambing when milk yield and lamb thrive is so important. This feedstuff should be offered as a supplement to grass or hay/silage based diets.
Lambs at foot should be offered a specific lamb creep feed as soon as they reach 2 to 3 weeks old.
Ideally used as a follower to Cooked Lamb Crunch, but can also be fed as a starter diet for young lambs. Formulated to 18% Cr. Protein, with a higher level of digestible fibre than the Cooked Lamb, this ration will compliment the increasing daily grass and forage intake of rapidly growing lambs.
Designed to stimulate high intakes, this ration will really lift your lambs to high daily liveweight gains & deliver excellent carcass confirmation.
Can also be fed as a pre tupping Ram Booster feed.
GRENNANS 18% COOKED LAMB CRUNCHFormulated to 18% Cr. Protein this is an extremely palatable, very digestible starter ration that can be fed to lambs from a week old.
We specifically use a wide selection of ingredients in this ration in order to encourage good early uptakes of solid feed. Ease of digestion is also assured so that intakes can be maximised without the risk of digestive upsets.
Can be fed right through to slaughter at 12 to 15 weeks, but ideally lambs should be switched over to Lamb Crunch Follower once intakes are satisfactory.
Fodder Extra A 14% protein coarse ration
Formulated for situations where fodder may be scarce. It can be used in conjunction with silage feeding to reduce overall silage intakes. Remember that for every 1kg meal fed, you will cut down silage intake by 4-5kg fresh weight, so by planning your fodder requirements in time, a little fodder extra will go a long way.
18% Crude protein
High energy derived from Maize, with beet pulp giving energy and a great source of Fibre
Fed pre and post lambing, ideal for ewes carrying multiple lambs, where the ewe requires extra concentrated nutrition, for strong lambs and vigour at birth.
Excellent protein sources to keep the ewe healthy and promote great milk production.
Fortified with high quality minerals and vitamins, with enhanced levels of vitamin E to enrich colostrum and lamb thrive